Thursday, August 15, 2019
Theroies of Child Development
Professor:Linda Derscheid, Ph. D. Office:Wirtz 160Fax: 753-1321 Office Phone:753-6341 with voice mail or 753-1543 (receptionist); Helpdesk: 815-753-8100 E-mail: [emailà protected] edu; Blackboard: http://webcourses. niu. edu n development. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Wadsworth, B. J. (2004). Piaget's theory of cognitive and affective development (5th ed. ). Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc. READINGS:Other assigned readings will be placed on Blackboard e-reserve from the NIU library. COURSE DESCRIPTION: Analysis of the major theories of chilfor syllabus and assignments; computer help email: [emailà protected] du Office Hours:Open: M noon-1 p. m. ; Adv. : TTh. 1 2 p. m. & Fri. 11-noon or by appointment REQUIRED TEXTS (These are typed in APA 6 style except they need to be double spaced): Salkind, N. J. (2004). An introduction to theories of humad development and their implications in working with young children. PRQ: FCNS 230, FCNS 280, and at least junior standing. OBJECTIVES: 1. St udents will be able to identify and compare and contrast (in-depth) theories of child development. (Activities: 1, 2, 4, & 5) 2.Students will apply some of the knowledge acquired about theoretical approaches to practical issues in child development using technology. (Activities: 1, 2, 4, & 5) 3. Students will evaluate the contributions and limitations of the major theories of child development. (Activities: 1, 2, 4, & 5) Family and Child Studies (FCS) B. S. Program Obj: Graduates of the FCS program will be prepared for successful professional careers serving children, families, & individuals throughout the lifespan by demonstrating: 1) use of self-understanding for personal & professional development (Obj. ); 2) use of a variety of theoretical & scientific approaches used to study & work with children, individuals, & families (Obj. 1-3); 3) application of methods for affecting change in family and social systems through empowering intervention strategies (Obj. 2); 4) application of professional expertise regarding human development & family relationships when disseminating knowledge to children, individuals, & families (Obj. 2); 5) professional communication skills & use of technology (Obj. 1,2); and 6) integration of knowledge & skills to work with individuals & families of diverse backgrounds (Obj. ). Early Childhood Studies Conceptual Framework: The ECS program is part of the NIU Community of Learners, which builds upon knowledge, practice, and reflection to build exemplary Early Childhood Professionals. EVALUATION: (Grades are based on the 90%, 80%, 70%, 60% scale. ) Undergraduate students 4 Exams (10% each) =200 pts. (50%) 2 Short Papers (10% each) =100 pts. (25%) Quizzes & Question Sets 100 pts. (25%) 400 pts. (100%) Note: Incompletes given at the end of the semester, will only be given if the form has been signed by you and your instructor by the last class period.See your NIU student handbook for approved reasons. Note: Both undergrad and grad students ââ¬â¢ assignments and grades are posted under the same Blackboard posting, so all points will be displayed. Just figure your points according to the above points. 1. Exams: The exams will involve multiple choice questions that will cover the readings, lectures, and class discussions. The exams will be worth 200 points. Quizzes (5) will be given after 1 or 2 theories have been discussed. These will be given at the beginning of class. If you are late; you will miss the quiz. No Make-Ups for quizzes.Leave only when exam is completed; during exams and quizzes, no hats with brims may be worn; no cell phones or other technology equipment; no cheating. Students are expected to arrive for exams and quizzes on time. No student will be allowed to take an exam if s/he arrives after the first student has completed the exam and left the room. If quizzes are given in class, you must be present when quizzes are distributed in order to be eligible to take a quiz. All exams and quizzes must be re turned to the instructor before the student leaves class. A student who removes an exam from the classroom will be given an F for that exam.Bring a #2 pencil. Also refer to #5 and Grading Criteria below. Make-up Exams: Make-up exams will be allowed only when prior notice is given with an approved excuse with proof. Make-up exams are scheduled on Friday afternoons at 1:30 in WZ 118. 2. Short Papers (2, see the due dates on the class calendar): In these papers (4-6 text pages in length), you will be required to integrate, apply, and communicate the appropriate theories. All papers must be typed and written in APA style (with cover page, citations in your text, including citing all theoretical constructs (see end of this syllabus for citation info. , & reference page). Turn in & submit on Blackboardââ¬â¢s Assignments button. Re-do of these papers are available for those achieving a 70% or better. 3. Question Sets (5 Take Home Mini-Exams for study guides): These will be available on Blackboard. Type in your paraphrased responses to each question with the text page number and submit via Blackboard through the Assignments button by 9:15 a. m. Tuesday morning. Late question sets & those with quotes will be given a 0. Typos, spelling, grammar, and punctuation will be factored into your points (1 pt. /error after 2). So proof read!!!Think of these as study guides for yourself, so be thorough and accurate. Check the chapter lecture outline that is on Blackboard for helpful tips if you canââ¬â¢t find the info in the textbook/s. 4. Class Policies: a. Class Participation: Participation is encouraged and appreciated! Each week you will be assigned readings from the text and/or articles. You are expected to have read or skimmed these assigned readings before class in order for you to participate meaningfully in class discussions and small group exercises. It is important we have a safe atmosphere for discussion and learning.Unprofessional class conduct that impedes oth er class membersââ¬â¢ learning (e. g. , eating, talking, whispering, shuffling, reading or writing in a newspaper, cell phone use, sleeping, etc. ) while others (including the professor) are talking or watching videos will result in the lowering of one grade (Refer to the Student Judicial Code). Two tardies will count as one absence. Attendance counts only if attending the whole class period. More than 2 weeks missing class will lower your final grade at least one grade. Students must ask the professorââ¬â¢s permission before any guests can attend class. b. Americans with Disabilities Act.Any student who, because of a documented disability, may require some special arrangements in order to meet course requirements should contact the professor as soon as possible to make necessary accommodations. c. All written assignments must be completed. A missing written assignment will result in lowering your final class letter grade by double the original points. Keep a hard copy of all written assignments when you submit them. Save your files in multiple places. d. Professional behavior. You are in college or graduate school because you plan to be a professional (or are enhancing your professional status).Part of what you are here for is to learn/enhance your professional skills. If at work you donââ¬â¢t show up, or come in late, or exhibit grossly unprofessional behavior, you will be fired. Please use this class, and all your classes, as places in which to learn and practice professional behaviors! Then on your own time and when work is done, party hearty! e. Do not bring electronic devises to class. If your beeper/pager goes off or your cell phone rings during class, you will be asked to leave and you will be considered absent for that class period. Refer to the Judicial Code for details. ) If a pager or cell phone is required for your job, please inform the professor PRIOR to class. In this instance, the pager/cell should be on vibrate mode. Any cell phone t hat is out &/or used during a quiz or exam will be confiscated and you will receive an F on that quiz or exam. f. Confidentiality: Students are expected to be professional. One of the issues that you will face when you enter the workforce is the issue of confidentiality. All written work is confidential. During discussions, personal information may be shared with the class.It is expected that what is said in the context of class discussions will be given the confidentiality it deserves. Because some of the topics discussed may touch on personal issues, you are encouraged to regulate how much you decide to share based on your comfort level. Should issues arise as a result of class discussions, please inform the professor. Names of children will not be used in class discussions. g. Contacting your professor: You have several ways to contact me. I check email several times a day every week day and at least once on weekends.There is never an excuse for not being able to contact me. I am available before and after class, by email and phone. Common sense says if you leave me a message and I do not respond within 24 hours, contact me again. I will never accept that a student did not know something, do something, etc. because he or she could not find me. If students need something from me, it is the studentââ¬â¢s responsibility to locate the professor. It is not the professorââ¬â¢s responsibility to find students and ask if they need something! Students are professionals and can take responsibility for themselves and their needs.Contact me only after checking your syllabus & assignments first! Do not email me about grades after posting because grades cannot be discussed via email. SHORT PAPERSââ¬â¢ GUIDELINES: There will be two short papers. The 1st paper will include analyses using a social and emotional theories; the 2nd paper will include analyses using cognitive and learning development theories. This paper should tie together observations from your exper iences with appropriate theoretical content from the class sessions. You will be given a choice of paper topics, which will be handed out later.Your papers will be graded with Aââ¬âF (on a % basis). All papers must be TYPED. They should each be 4-6 text pages (not including title and reference pages) long with citations included, double-spaced in APA 5 style with title and reference pages. Turn in one hard copy & also submit on Blackboard using the assignment button. Any paper with more than 7 typos past 2 per page will be failed. After 3 grammatical errors, 20 pts will be deducted. A paper longer than 6 text pages will drop a letter grade. In other words, take the time to proof read and follow directions! GRADING CRITERIA: Aâ⬠PaperYour ideas are well organized and presented clearly. Thorough and appropriate course content is used accurately to analyze and discuss the assigned topic. Relevant examples are included. ââ¬Å"Bâ⬠PaperThe course material may be either acc urately or thoroughly presented. The interrelationships between the course content and the paper topic and examples are either not clear or not integrated clearly. ââ¬Å"Câ⬠PaperOverall, the coverage is not integrated and incomplete or inaccurate. Selection of material from one area is not based upon what materials were chosen from other areas.This paper tends to be basically a simple repetition of readings and/or class discussions and/or personal experiences with little integration. There is little analysis, and/or there are some inaccuracies. ââ¬Å"Dâ⬠PaperThe course content is presented in an incomplete and isolated manner, with basic misunderstandings of course material. Examples, if presented, are fragments. ââ¬Å"Fâ⬠PaperThe paper is irrelevant to the course or demonstrates plagiarism. Note:Late papers will not be accepted unless arrangements for an extension are negotiated between student and professor prior to the due date.Reminder: Students guilty of or assisting others in either cheating or plagiarism on an assignment, quiz, or exam may receive a grade of ââ¬Å"Fâ⬠for the course and may be suspended or dismissed from the university. Refer to the University Undergraduate or Graduate Catalog and the Student Judicial Code. Early rough drafts are strongly encouraged. Bring to class, email or fax them to me for early feedback. FCNS 432-Fall, 2009 TENTATIVE COURSE OUTLINE & ASSIGNMENTS DateTopic/sAssignment/s Aug. 25Intro. & Overview of terms & Theories of DevelopmentChap. 1 & 2 (w/o pp. 34-38) Sept. 1Sigmund Freud's PsychoanalysisChap. 5 Sept. Life Stages Approach: Erikson's Psychosocial Chap. 6 Perspective Ques. Set #1 Due 9/8 Sept. 15 Exam 1 over Chap. 1, 2, 5, & 6 minus pp. 34-38Ethology w/ AttachmentChap. 4 Sept. 22Sociobiology & Ecological TheoryChap. 4 & Chap. 2 pp. 34-38; Reading #1 Short Paper #1 Due 9/22 Sept. 29 Exam 2 over Chap. 2 (pp. 34-38), & 4 Behavioral Model: Basic Assumptions & CCChap. 7 Oct. 6Behavioral Analy sis ââ¬â Operant ConditioningChap. 7 Ques. Set #2 Due 10/6 Oct. 13 Social Learning Theory Chap. 8 Oct. 20Exam 3 over Chap. 7 & 8; PiagetChap. 9 Oct. 27Cognitive-Developmental Approach-PiagetChap. 9; Wadsworth Chap 1-2 Ques. Set # 3 Due 10/27Nov. 3Cog. -Dev. ââ¬â PiagetWadsworth Chap. 3-6 Nov. 10Vygotsky Chap. 10 Nov. 17Information Processing Reading #2 ââ¬â Reserve Ques. Set # 4 Due 11/17 Nov. 24 NeoPiagetians & Theories of Moral DevelopmentReadings #3 Short Paper #2 Due ââ¬â11/24 Dec. 1Theories of Moral Dev. ; Eval. of Devââ¬â¢al TheoriesWadsworth (ends of Chap 3-6 & pp. 160-161) & Chap. 11 Quest. Set #5 Due 12/1 Dec. 10FINAL EXAM: Thursday Dec. 10 at 10-11:50 a. m. over content since exam 3 E-Reserve Readings found on our Blackboard site: #1. Thomas, R. M. (2005). Ecological psychology, (Ch. 11). #2. Thomas, R. M. (2005). Computer analogues and the self, (Ch. ). #3. Thomas, R. M. (2005). Kohlbergââ¬â¢s moral developmental model, (Ch. 14). FCNS 432 References (APA 6 references are double-spaced) Aldridge, J. , Sexton, D. , Goldman, R. , & Werner, M. (1997). Examining contributions of child development theories to early childhood education. College Student Journal, 31(4), 453-459. Baddeley, A. D. , & Hitch, G. J. (2000). Development of working memory: Should the Pascual-Leone and the Baddeley and Hitch model be merged? Journal of Experimental Child Psypchology, 77 (2), 128-137. Barnett, D. , Butler, C. M. , & Vondra, J. I. (1999).Atypical patterns of early attachment: Discussion and future directions. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, 64(3), 172- 192. Blair, C. , Peters, R. , & Lawrence, F. (2003). Family dynamics and child outcomes in early intervention: The role of developmental theory in the specification of effects. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 18(4), 446-446. Boom, J. , Brugman, D. , & van der Heijden, P. G. M. (2001). Hierarchical structure of moral stages assessed by a sorting task. Child Developme nt, 72(2), 535-548. Bowen, N. K. (2005). Histories of developmental task attainment in aggressive children and their elationship to behavior in middle childhood. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, 13(2), 113-124. Chen, Z. , & Siegler, R. S. (2000). Across the great divide: Bridging the gap between understanding of toddlersââ¬â¢ and older childrenââ¬â¢s thinking. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, 65(2), 1-96. DeVries, R. (2000). Vygotsky, Piaget, and education: A reciprocal assimilation of theories and educational practices. New Ideas in Psychology, 18(2-3), 187-213. DeVries, R. , Edmiaston, R. , Zan, B. , & Hildebrandt, C. (2002). What is constructivist education? Definition and principles of teaching. In R.DeVries, B. Zan, C. Hildebrandt, R. Edmiaston, & C. Sales (Eds. ), Developing constructivist early childhood curriculum: Practical principles and activities. (pp. 35-51). New York: Teachers College Press. Dilg, M. (1999). Why I am a mu lticulturalist: The power of stories told and untold. In M. Dilg (Ed. ), Race and culture in the classroom: Teaching and learning through multicultural education. (pp. 99-107). New York: Teachers College Press. Draghi-Lorenz, R. , Reddy, V. , & Costall, A. (2001). Rethinking the development of ââ¬Å"nonbasicâ⬠emotions: A critical review of existing theories. Developmental Review, 21(3), 263-304.Edwards, S. (2005). Constructivism does not only happen in the individual: Sociocultural theory and early childhood education. Early Child Development and Care, 175(1), 37-47. Ethridge, E. , & King, J. R. (2005). Calendar math in preschool and primary classrooms: Questioning the curriculum. Early Childhood Education Journal, 32(5), 291-296. Fischer, K. W. & Pare-Blagoev, J. (2000). From individual differences to dynamic pathways of development. Child Development, 71(4), 850-853. Gelman, R. (2000). Domain specificity and variability in cognitive development. Child Development, 71(4), 85 4-856. Gilbert, J. L.Getting help from Erikson, Piaget, and Vygotsky: Developing infant-toddler curriculum. U. of Kentucky. 12 pages. Accession No: ED457968. Golbeck, S. L. (2001). Socioeconomic differences in childrenââ¬â¢s early cognitive development and their readiness for schooling. In S. L. Golbeck (Ed. ), Psychological perspectives on early childhood education: Reframing dilemmas in research and practice. (pp. 37-63). NJ: LEA. Griffin, S. (2004). Building number sense with Number Worlds: A mathematics program for young children. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 19(1), 173-173. Harwood, R. L. , Miller, J. G. , & Irizarry, N.L. (1995). Culture and attachment: Perceptions of the child in context. NY: The Guilford Press. Hodapp, R. M. (2001). Advancing findings, theories, and methods concerning children with disabilities. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Devleopment, 66(3), 115-126. Lally, J. R, Lerner, C. , & Luire-Hurvitz, E. (2001). National survey reveals gaps in the publicââ¬â¢s and parentsââ¬â¢ knowledge about early childhood development. Young Children, 56(2), 49-53. Martin, A. , & Oliva, J. C. (2001). Teaching children about money: Applications of social learning and cognitive learning developmental theories.Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences: From Research to Practice, 93(2), 26-29. Parent, S. , Normandeau, S. , & Larivee, S. (2000). A quest for the Holy Grail in the new millennium: In search of a unified theory of cognitive development. Child Development, 71(4), 860-861. Piaget, J. (1993). Development and learning. In M. Gauvain & M. Cole (Eds. ), Readings on the development of children (pp. 25-33). NY: W. H. Freeman and Company. Piaget, J. ; Smith, L. (Trans. ). (2000). Commentary on Vygotskyââ¬â¢s criticisms of language and thought of the child and judgement and reasoning in the child. New Ideas in Psychology, 18(2-3), 241-259.Raines, S. C. (1997). Developmental appropriateness curriculum revisited and challenge d. In J. P. Isenberg & M. R. Jalongo (Eds. ), Major trends and issues in early childhood education: Challenges, controversies and insights. (pp. 75-89). New York: Teachers College Press. Rothbaum, F. Pott, M. , Azuma, H. , and others. (2000). Trade-offs in the study of culture and development: Theories, methods, and values. Child Development, 71(5), 1159-1161. Smetana, J. G. (1999). The role of parents in moral development: A social domain analysis. Journal of Moral Education, 28(3), 311-321. Suizzo, M. A. (2000).The social-emotional and cultural contexts of cognitive development: Neo- Piagetian perspectives. Child Development, 71(4), 846-849. Vondra, J. I. , Hommerding, K. D. , & Shaw, D. S. (1999). Stability and change in infant attachment in a low-income sample. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Devlepment, 64(3), 119-144. Williams, M. M. (2000). Models of character education: Perspectives and developmental issues. Journal of Humanistic Counseling, Education and Dev elopment, 39(1), 32-40. Wolfgang, C. H. (2000-2001, winter). Another view on ââ¬Å"Reinforcement in Developmentally Appropriate Early Childhood Classrooms. Childhoood Education, 77(2), 64-67. Note: To cite within your text, remember there are 3 ways: (a) a quote (only 3 per short paper), then put author's or authors' last name/s, year, page # in ( )s, e. g. , ââ¬Å"â⬠¦ â⬠(Salkind, 2004, p. 34); (b) paraphrase, then put author's or author's last name/s and year in ( )s, e. g. , â⬠¦ (Vondra, Hammerding, & Shaw, 1999); and (c) paraphrase after saying, According to Martin and Oliva (2001), â⬠¦. If you use 4 or more words in a row from an author you must quote them and use example ââ¬Å"aâ⬠above for proper citation; otherwise, you are plagiarizing =; F for a grade.Not citing any theoretical construct is also plagiarizing even if you paraphrase/put in your own words. These theoretical ideas/concepts/constructs are not yours originally! It is best to cite each se ntence that contains an idea that is not yours. One citation at the end of a paragraph with lots of sentences with ideas that are not yours is not enough! Each idea must be attributed to a source, if it is not a general idea. If all the ideas in a paragraph come from 1 source, you can wrap the paragraph by citing at the beginning of the paragraph (or end of the 1st sentence) and then at the end of the paragraph.Note: All papers must include a typed cover/title page & a reference page when appropriate using APA style. All papers will be graded on accuracy and thoroughness of responses. Note: Your grade will be lowered at least one grade for late work. Note: Come to class with your rough drafts or email them to me so that your questions about accuracy of your responses can be answered. Save your work in multiple places, e. g. , jump drive, email it, etc. Note: All papers are considered late if missed the time for submission on Blackboard, usually 15 minutes before class or at the begi nning of class. STUDENT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FORMI, _____________________________________________ have been given the syllabus for FCNS 432, (please print entire name) Theories of Child Development for fall 2009. My signature affirms that I have read and that I understand all policies, procedures, and expectations, associated with this class. My signature also affirms that I have been given an opportunity to discuss questions regarding the syllabus and class outline during the first class session, and that I understand that it is my responsibility to seek the professorââ¬â¢s assistance if I have further questions. (studentââ¬â¢s signature)(date)
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